
标题: Assistant Professor |陶瓷 & Sculpture, Drawing
部门: 细 & 表演艺术
办公室: PCA 105 - l
电话: 210-486-4088 Ext: 64088

About 戴安娜的

研究所:  有创意的 & Communication Arts


M.F.A. |陶瓷 & Sculpture | Washington State University

B.F.A. | Drawing Emphasis | 德州 Tech University




戴安娜的 is a visual artist working exclusively in clay, from small studio pieces to large architectural installations. Her public works have been commissioned by the City of 圣安东尼奥, VIA Metropolitan Transit, The 圣安东尼奥 River Authority, and the City of Harlingen. She is currently working on two of her largest private commissions to date (over 650 square feet) for a new office tower in 圣安东尼奥, 德州. In addition to teaching drawing, 陶瓷, and art appreciation at NVC, she operates her creative business: Kersey Ceramics LLC. Her skill set may be helpful to a mentee who is interested in a career as a working artist.